You may have probably heard the term BLOG and you’re wondering what it is. Well you’ve come to the right place.
Firstly some people have this inbuilt hunger to socialize and share their life experiences, stories, thoughts and sheer knowledge with other individuals hence the need to open avenues to share information. You may have heard of the computers, cell phones, and other gadgets used to disperse and assemble information. You may also have an idea of social networks, interactive networks, and the likes of them. Well, that is where the term Blog falls in.
Given thus the above information we can define a blog as a frequently updated online personal journal or diary, an avenue or media to express yourself to the world, a place to share your feelings, thoughts and passion to people via the net.
Formally we can define a blog as a journal which is usually manipulated on the internet. Or using a reference to Wikipedia, we can define our darling blog (which actually in full is known as a WEBLOG) as a discussion or informational site published on the world wide web consisting of discrete entries or posts typically displayed in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recent posts appear first). And thus with these definitions, we can decipher what a blog really is and understand its concepts and features and this takes us down to who a blogger is.


So, if a blog is a frequently updated online journal or diary, who then is a blogger? We can say that a blogger is one who blogs in his blogs, though that might get your English teacher weeping. So we can simply say a blogger is someone, an individual who operates a blog and updates feeling information on his blog frequently. Or we can also define a blogger as a contributor to a blog or an online journal.
Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single person or individual, or occasionally a small group, and often covered a single subject. But nowadays we have the “multi author blogs” (MABs) which have posts written by a large number of authors and professionally edited. MABs from newspaper agencies, other media outlets, universities, advocacy groups and similar institutions account for an increasing number in blog traffic. Though the rise of Twitter and other “micro blogging” systems help in the integration of MABs and single-author blogs into societal news streams.
Blogging doesn’t require any special skills or talents just that raw knowledge you possess and want to share with people. Okay, a little knowledge of computers and internet surfing is required, but  even without this, more avenues  have been created to allow people who have a minimum knowledge of computers to easily create and manipulate their own blogging sites. So you see, blogging isn’t that complex. Anyone can blog!



Blogging, blogging, blogging, it’s kind of advisable to skip this part if you don’t like historical articles.
The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users. The term weblog was coined by Jorn Barger on 17 December, 1997. And it was shortened to blog by Peter Medrol. Blogging has been  a norm since the 1990s, but note that before blogging became popular, digital communities took many forms like CompuServe, Usenet, Genie, just to mention a few. So that’s what you may call the genesis of blogging. First it consisted of mini blogs which was usually very brief, then it evolved into MIBs which now made room for the influx of more and more ideas. And then the birth of blogs.



Actually, whatever we are doing, we have rules laid down to streamline our activities, so we don’t just go around doing anything that pleases us and causing unintended harm to other individuals. So does blogging have its own rules and laws guiding it.
Blogging can result in a range of legal liabilities or other unforeseen circumstances, and trust me you don’t want to get yourself into a legal tussle because of your blogging activities. Though there are laws which protect bloggers and hand them certain rights, there are also laws that implicate bloggers if the need be. And each blogging aspect has its rules which are available online. It’ very necessary to have these rules at heart.



Blogging is literally done for the love of it, so it’s really fun getting paid for what you love doing. And there are many ways of getting paid through blogging.  You don’t have to be a top shot entrepreneur to smash a cool deal in blogging, it depends on your zeal and commitment to your blog. Mind if I add that normally, a blog is supposed to be purely interactive allowing your visitors to leave their comments and suggestions via the GUI widgets on the blogs and it’s this interactivity that mainly distinguishes a blog from a normal static website. And all these helps boost a blog page making it more liable to make some cool cash as people appreciate your work. Many blogs provide commentaries on a particular subjects and some function as an online brand advertising medium for an individual company or agency, some are based on art (art blogs) , entertainment, education (edu blogs) and many more. But no matter the aspect of blogs you are engaged in there are avenues to make some income.


  1. wow...never seen an explanation of blogging so sweet


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